

How These 5 Blues Classics Captured Casino and Gambling Culture

When you think of gambling culture, some of the first things that come to mind are bright lights, smart outfits, flashing machines, and blues music. 

Whether you step inside a Las Vegas casino or a Paris casino, you’re highly likely going to hear some blues music played at some point during the night. This is especially likely in high-class casinos that charge expensive entry fees. 

The reason why blues music has always been such a huge part of the casino scene is because it enhances the player experience. Whenever it plays in the background, you feel like you’re a part of something special — almost like you’re in a real-life Hollywood movie. This is why (to the present day) most casinos still stick with blues music. 

Blues music itself dates all the way back to 1890. All these years later, countless blues classics have been released. Some of these classics have helped to define casino and gambling culture by becoming ingrained in many casinos around the world. But which of these classics is the best? 

Here’s a look at 5 blues classics that have successfully captured casino and gambling culture. 


Viva Las Vegas by Elvis Presley 

Number 1 on the list has to be the all-time blues rock classic by Elvis Presley: Viva Las Vegas. 

Since 1964, this song has been played in thousands of different casinos. And if you ever head down to the famous Las Vegas Strip, you’re almost guaranteed to hear this song at some point during the night. 

The song itself is about a race driver called Lucky Jackson (Elvis Presley) who heads to Las Vegas to try and win enough money so that he can purchase a brand-new motor to win the Grand Prix. In the song, Elvis famously makes reference to the different casino games in Las Vegas, singing:

Oh, there’s blackjack and poker and the roulette wheel

A fortune won and lost on ev’ry deal

All you need’s a strong heart and a nerve of steel

Viva Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas

Blackjack has remained one of the most popular casino games in Las Vegas for over 58 years since this song was created. Things have changed a lot, though, as most people now play blackjack online using their smartphones and PCs. You can play online casino blackjack, too, through licensed and official online casinos like Spin Casino that replicate the Vegas experience (which also offers tons of other classics as well), as it’s a great alternative for people who don’t live in Sin City and would rather play at home instead. 

Life is Like a Card Game by Big Joe Turner

Big Joe Turner uses poker metaphors throughout this song to make reference to the occasional difficulties in life and how you need to keep going no matter what. It’s a classic blues tune and is still associated with gambling culture to this day. 

Mustang Sally by Mack Rice

Mustang Sally is an all-time classic song that was commonly played in classy casinos back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. If you listen to it now, you’ll understand exactly why. It’s a beautiful and smooth blues tune that’s very easy on the ears and has a great chorus. 

Easy Money by Billy Joel 

Easy Money is a fun and upbeat blues song by Billy Joel about chasing money and how people ultimately want to make money in the easiest way possible. Many Billy Joel fans consider this to be one of his most underrated songs ever. 

The Dealer by Stevie Nicks

The Dealer uses casino metaphors and card game references to guide the listener through a story about relationship problems. It’s a reflective type of song that’s a lot of fun to listen to.

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